Kilburn & Strode feature in Healthcare Markets International - Patent protection in fertility innovation

Kilburn & Strode feature in Healthcare Markets International - Patent protection in fertility innova

Around 15% of reproductive-aged couples worldwide are affected by infertility. This field is a consistent focus for research and development. However, technology surrounding IVF remains difficult subject matter for patent protection, for a number of reasons.

Our biotechnology specialists have outlined what can be protected and reflect on important IP considerations that can help maximise protection in Europe and the US.

To help make sense this trending area of IP, we have partnered with Healthcare Markets International – who deliver comprehensive, reliable and independent reporting on the full range of healthcare services around the world.
Read the full summary, as we outline and discuss:

  • What game-changing IVF-related inventions are being patented?

  • The IP hurdles that are standing in the way of these inventions

  • Recent patent trends in the IVF space

  • A look to the future: as new assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro gametogenesis come to light, patents will form a crucial role in their protection and commercialisation.

Read our summary article here


Get in touch

For advice on how to protect your healthcare related inventions in Europe, please contact Sarah Lau, Alberto Carella, Duncan Bull or your usual Kilburn & Strode advisor.


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