A patentable computer program could only be one button press away

A patentable computer program could only be one button press away

We have published the following article in the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice reporting the decision in Lenovo (Singapore) v Comptroller:

Lenovo (Singapore) PTE Ltd v Comptroller General of Patents [2020] EWHC 1706 (Pat) (9 July 2020)

A computer-implemented method may be patentable where it solves a technical problem outside of a computer by overcoming the need for a physical interaction.

Birss J has reversed a decision of the UK Intellectual Property Office which refused an application filed by Lenovo (Singapore) PTE Ltd on the basis that the claimed subject matter (a computer-implemented method relating to payment using multiple contactless devices) was directed solely to subject matter excluded by section 1(2) of the Patents Act 1977 (as amended) as relating to a computer program and a method for doing business as such.

If you wish to read on, the full article can be accessed using this link.

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