The IP Academy


At Kilburn & Strode, the work of our paralegals and business support staff is incredibly valuable and important. We believe that we are one of the first firms to offer our very own academy dedicated to training, supporting and advancing our IP paralegals. We run a two-and-a-half year programme for those individuals looking for a paralegal role and a career in intellectual property support. Now in its fourth year, it has proven highly successful with our current IP Academy graduates thriving.

Our paralegals bring another dimension to the relationship between us and our clients. The IP Academy provides a network to enhance and develop the skills required to build these strong relationships. The structure of the programme, as well as the people involved, combine to create a supportive and learning-driven environment for our paralegals to grow and flourish within the world of intellectual property.

Nadirah Miah

Being a part of the IP Academy means you’re never without support. The various teams you work with are incredibly welcoming, patient and always encourage you in pursuit of your development.

Nadirah Miah

IP Paralegal

Having exams at the end of each rotation gives you an opportunity to both experience the department as well as have ownership of your own study. This also allows you to challenge yourself to find your strengths.

Maisie Norwood

Specialist Patent Paralegal

Robyn Ferguson

I love working with the IP Academy. Our trainee paralegals are such a vibrant group – full of ideas and energy.

Robyn Ferguson

IP Academy Manager

Read more about our trainee programmes and apply here.

Read more and apply now!