2021 may go into the history books as being dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine rollouts, but there were many interesting developments in European patent case law that also deserve attention. In this webinar we’ll take a look at the most important decisions made by the Boards of Appeal and Enlarged Board of Appeal at the EPO in 2021. Through assessing recent cases, we’ll evaluate the current practices of the EPO and identify key takeaways for successfully patenting inventions in Europe with our practical tips for European patent prosecution. Join us on Monday, 28 March, as we will cover, in detail:
From polymorphs to inventive step for computer-implemented inventions, a brief overview of the most interesting cases from the year gone by;
T 0116/18 – plausibility at the EPO and the significance of the Enlarged Board of Appeal referral;
G1/21 – hearings by video conference - here to stay?
G4/19 – clarity on whether and why a European patent application be refused on the basis of double patenting
There will be time for questions at the end of the webinar. If you would like to join, please RSVP.
Monday, 28 March 2022
8am PST | 11am EDT 4pm BST | 5pm CEST
Yes – please!
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