18 July 2023 - EPO Patentability & Clinical Trials

18 July 2023 - EPO Patentability & Clinical Trials

Patent strategy in the field of pharmaceuticals and biologics encounters unique challenges in view of clinical trial disclosures. Filing decisions must carefully balance the need to file before details of the clinical trial enter the public domain (when trial results might not yet be available), with the need to support patent applications with relevant data.

In this webinar, we’ll walk through the EPO’s stance on clinical trials and patentability, offering strategic guidance to inform filing strategies and timelines. 

We will consider:

  • the EPO’s assessment of novelty & inventive step against a prior art landscape that includes clinical trial disclosures;

  • insights on the level of data required to support a European application, as informed by the EPO’s latest case law G2/21;

  • practical tips to consider when drafting to maximise opportunities for success at the EPO; and

  • Q&A: we would love to hear from you on your own practical experiences and challenges, and will be in touch ahead of the webinar to seek your questions.

We hope you’ll be able to join us.

Click here to register ►

Any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to email our events team.


Tuesday 18 July 2023


1 Hour


8:00am PST | 11:00am EST 
4:00pm BST | 5:00pm CEST


Virtual - Zoom

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