5 October 2021 - The chemistry perspective: Sufficiency – A fatal attack or harmless argument?

5 October 2021 - The chemistry perspective: Sufficiency – A fatal attack or harmless argument?

Kilburn & Strode’s Chemistry team invites you to discuss the next webinar in our hugely popular series assessing the patentability of chemical inventions before the European Patent Office (EPO):
The chemistry perspective: Sufficiency – A fatal attack or harmless argument?

About the event

The attack of insufficient disclosure comes in many different forms. Some reveal fundamental flaws at the heart of a patent, dealing a fatal blow to its survival. Others turn out to be spurious attacks, to be swatted away without so much as a claim amendment. But how, when the papers first hit your desk, do you tell one from the other?

Join us on 5 October 2021 for an interactive live webinar as we look at how the EPO approaches sufficiency, illustrated by case studies from the front line before the EPO Examining Divisions, Opposition Divisions and Boards of Appeal when sufficiency has been either a terminal problem or an empty allegation. We will also provide you with some top tips for avoiding this tricky issue when drafting and dealing with it in both pre and post-grant proceedings.

Click here to register your place

We hope you can join us! Please invite your teams.


Tuesday 5 October
8:30 am PT | 10:30 am Central | 11:30 am EST | 4:30 pm BST


Join us on Tuesday 5 October


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