With our friends at RWS we’ve been tracking data on all things UPC and things have really kicked off in the last few days, with a significant upturn in opt-out requests after a slow start. With opt-out predictions ranging from the UPC’s optimistic 50,000 opt-outs through to the doubters' more sceptical projections, the trend has shifted significantly in the last few days, and seems likely to continue in the last few weeks of the sunrise period.
Our extrapolation (see dotted line in graph below) takes us to a far higher number than expected by the UPC – raising the additional question of basic processing capability; certainly if you haven’t got your order in now, time is running out.

We will be looking at the data in more detail in our upcoming webinar UPC sunrise: panic stations!, number 2/3 in our UPC series – please join us and make sure your business is as ready as the competition.
Our third webinar in the series UPC sunrise: doors open! will be announced soon - so watch this space!