Alessio graduated from Imperial College London in 2019 with a Master’s degree in Computing. His final year research project, in collaboration with a pioneering high-performance solutions provider and the Institute of Cancer Research, investigated optimisation techniques for radiation therapy simulation on FPGA in the context of adaptive radiotherapy. While at university, he took a short course in Entrepreneurship at Imperial College Business School, where he first appreciated the pivotal role played by intellectual property in the success of an organisation.
Alongside his studies, Alessio participated in the making of a facial recognition system powered by open-source deep learning libraries. This work, commissioned by a London-based artist collective, was exhibited at Tate Modern in 2017. In addition to his project experience, Alessio has also worked as a software engineer at a specialist secure communications company in Westminster. His industry knowledge, combined with a fresh and hands-on approach, places him in a unique position to advise clients on complex software patentability matters.
Alessio joined Kilburn & Strode in September 2019 and is currently training to become a European and UK patent attorney.


European Patent Attorney
MEng in Computing – Imperial College London (2019)


The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI) – student member
Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) – student member
Associateship of the City and Guilds of London Institute (ACGI)