Juliette graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2021 with a first-class Master’s degree in Genetics. Throughout her time at university, Juliette gained specialist knowledge on a range of topics including molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology and immunology. Furthermore, a year spent studying in Australia at the University of Adelaide allowed for broader studies covering genomics and bioinformatics.

For her final year research project, Juliette studied the identification and specification of distinct macrophage subpopulations in Drosophila. This involved using complex biochemical systems to identify genes involved in macrophage subpopulation specification, which can then be used as candidates for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in humans.

Juliette joined the Life Sciences and Chemistry group at Kilburn & Strode in October 2022 and is currently training to become a European and UK patent attorney.


MBiolSci in Genetics (1st Class Honours) – The University of Sheffield (2021)