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Marco graduated in Mechanical Engineering at Perugia University, in Italy, and then obtained his PhD at Imperial College London.
He carried out doctoral and post-doctoral research in the UK while studying and developing a number of multidisciplinary non-destructive evaluation and testing (NDE/ NDT) techniques involving ultrasound, thermography and imaging applied to safety-critical structures such as oil refinery pipes, turbine blades and aircraft wings. The results of his research have been presented at various international conferences and disseminated in many scientific journals.

Marco regularly drafts and prosecutes patent applications for a variety of clients across many engineering fields including greentech, cleantech, renewables, fitness and sports equipment, controls, robotics, hybrid & autonomous drive (including battery engineering), powertrains & transmissions, turbomachinery, telematics, digital manufacturing, industry 4.0 (including VR and AR applications), battery & electricity operated electrical goods, compressed and liquefied natural gas containment technology, and nanotech, such as nanoporous materials and engineering applications of graphene. He also has considerable interest in health tech, including digital health, medical devices, bio-medical engineering, wearable health such as wearable sensors, AI health and VR health.

Marco also provides pre- and post- drafting/prosecution services: invention identification, harvesting and commercial impact assessment; patent infringement and validity opinions; patent portfolio building & management; and, IP due diligence. He also regularly attends oral proceedings at the EPO, including oppositions and appeals.

Having obtained valuable experience as the head of an in-house IP department in an advanced engineering company, Marco has become an all-round engineering attorney with uncompromised commercial focus. He diligently and efficiently implements IP protection programmes tailored to client-specific requirements. He can also work proactively in close collaboration with his clients to define plans and strategies to achieve measurable success at any stage of the IP chain.

Marco works cross border between the UK and mainland Europe, including his native Italy. He is an active member of the Italian community in London. He regularly promotes IP within the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the UK and supports TechItalia:Lab, an accelerator for Italian start-ups in the UK. In 2015, Marco was recognised as a Talented Young Italian operating in the services industry in the UK. Marco is bilingual in English and Italian and is admitted to the Register of Professional Engineers in Italy. Marco runs with enthusiasm an Italian Desk within K&S, which operates as a first point of contact for all Italian or Italy-related businesses interested in working with us.

Marco has also been an examiner in the Patent Examination Board (PEB) between 2015 and 2017, and is currently a Visiting Lecturer for the Postgraduate Certificate in Intellectual Property at Bournemouth University.

Marco ha una laurea Italiana in ingegneria meccanica conseguita presso l’Università di Perugia ed un dottorato di ricerca, sempre in ingegneria meccanica, presso il prestigioso Imperial College di Londra.

Avendo fatto esperienza a capo di un dipartimento di proprietà Industriale (PI) in un’azienda di ingegneria all’avanguardia della tecnologia, Marco si è formato come consulente particolarmente sensibile al valore commerciale della PI. Marco è perciò in grado di attuare programmi di protezione della PI che rispondano alle esigenze specifiche dei suoi clienti e lavora in modo costruttivo insieme ad essi alla definizione di piani e strategie per raggiungere successi misurabili in ogni fase del ciclo brevettuale.

Marco lavora regolarmente alla stesura e prosecuzione di specifiche di brevetto per vari clienti di tipologia e dimensione differenti, su tutto lo spettro delle applicazioni ingegneristiche. Inoltre, Marco segue le pratiche anche nelle fasi che precedono e seguono le fasi di redazione, esaminazine e registrazione delle domande di brevetto. In aggiunta, Marco rappresenta abitualmente i suoi clienti in udienze presso l’Ufficio Europeo Brevetti, per esempio durante opposizioni ed appelli.

Più specificamente, Marco opera nelle seguenti aree ingegneristiche:

  • Trasporti: motoveicoli, automobili, ferroviario, navale ed aerospaziale

  • Energia: petrolio & gas naturale; rinnovabili, come eolico, solare, idrotermico e geotermico

  • Medicale: installazioni, sensori, strumenti medicali, salute digitale ed indossabile, ed altre applicazioni biometriche

  • Industriale: produzione, confezionamento, logistica, stampa a getto d’inchiostro, robotica, industria 4.0 e manifattura per tecniche additive.

Presso Kilburn & Strode, Marco lavora a stretto contatto con Jim Miller e Robin Lloyd. Marco è ben inserito nel contesto dei clienti di alto profilo già esistenti nel gruppo, ed inoltre lavorerà sempre di più con nuovi clienti ad alto potenziale innovativo - quali startups, organizzazioni istituzionali, piccole-medie imprese ed aziende multinazionali - al di là dei confini del Regno Unito, in Europa, e soprattutto nella sua nativa Italia. Marco serve già un considerevole numero di client Italiani, ed è la persona di riferimento dell’ “Italian Desk” di Kilburn & Strode. 

Per saperne di piu' sui nostri servizi mirati ad aziende Italiane, clicca qui

'Notable Practitioner' for Patents - Managing IP, IP Stars, 2024

"Marco Morbidini brings expertise in mechanical engineering and earns warm plaudits from the market for expertly handling a variety of patent matters, including prosecution, validity opinions and portfolio management. He does a fantastic job meeting the evolving needs of his clientele and providing a consistently high-quality service.” - IAM Patent 1000, 2024

"Marco Morbidini went the extra not one, but ten miles for us, effectively providing perfect in-house style services. From budgeting to summaries, participation in investor meetings to institutional/sponsor relations, Marco has offered and continues to offer just what’s right for us." - Legal 500, 2022

Visiting Lecturer, Bournemouth University, 2018-present

Marco was recognised as a 'Rising Star' in Managing IP Stars 2019

Talented Young Italian Awards of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in London (ICCIUK), Winner, 2015

The Bob Chivers Prize of the Institute of Physics (IoP), 2008

The John Grimwade Medal of the British Institute of Nondestructive Testing (BINDT), 2007


European Patent Attorney 
Chartered UK Patent Attorney
European Design Attorney
IP Litigator - Patents
Certificate in Intellectual Property Law – Queen Mary University London
PhD in Engineering – Imperial College London
Dott. Ing. in Mechanical Engineering (Degree, Magna Cum Laude, University of Perugia, Italy; and admitted to the Register of Professional Engineers in Italy)


​Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) - Fellow
The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI)
The Italian Chamber for Commerce and Industry with the UK (ICCIUK)

IP publications

M. Morbidini, Robots on the rise, Kilburn & Strode, (2019) 

M. Morbidini, Disclose it by Design, not by Accident​, Kilburn & Strode, (2020) 

M. Morbidini, World Food Forum Startup Innovation Awards, Kilburn & Strode (2023)

Scientific publications

Marco published more than 30 academic articles between conference proceedings and peer-reviewed scientific articles.  His most important articles were published in the Journal of Acoustical Society of America, In the Journal of Applied Physics and in Materials Evaluation

Morbidini, M. and Cawley, P. 'A calibration procedure for sonic infrared nondestructive evaluation', Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 106, article 023504, 2009.

Morbidini, M. and Cawley, P. 'The detectability of cracks using Sonic IR', Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 105, article 093530, 2009.

Morbidini, M., Kang, B. and Cawley, P. 'Improved reliability of sonic infrared testing', Materials Evaluation, Vol 67, pp1193-1202, 2009.

Duffour, P., Morbidini, M., and Cawley, P., ‘A study of the vibro-acoustic modulation technique for the detection of cracks in metals’, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol 119, pp1463-1475, 2006.