Juve Patent UK 2021 ranking

Juve Patent UK 2021 ranking

JUVE Patent has published its second annual ranking of the UK’s patent firms. The publication recommends Kilburn & Strode in five key fields of expertise within the Patent filing category:

  • Pharma and biotechnology

  • Medical technology

  • Chemistry

  • Digital communication and computer technology

  • Electronics

Three  individuals were also recognised in this year’s rankings. Congratulations go to partners Kristina Cornish, Gwilym Roberts and Alexander Korenberg.

In-depth research

JUVE Patent rankings are based on extensive, independent research by a team of journalists in the four main European jurisdictions France, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands, as well as Austria.

The ranking celebrates firms that, according to JUVE Patent research, “enjoy a particularly good reputation in patent filing, litigation and prosecution”.

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